Step 1: Download packages:
Change permissions
Step 4: Enable the cuda script mentioned in the previous post.
Step 2: Find your kernel source and install the corresponding kernel-devel and kernel-headers:
Step 3: Install the CUDA driver first, followed by the toolkit, gdb and finally the SDK.
Make sure that your path is configured correctly. (Refer to previous post)Step 4: Enable the cuda script mentioned in the previous post.
check the nvidia driver status and you should see this:
Step 5: Make sure you do a fresh install of the SDK if you are upgrading.
This should make all your projects in the following directory:
Executing the deviceQuery executable shows me this:
Congrats !!! CUDA 2.2 is configured on your 64-bit CentOS Mac Pro and also recognizes the NVIDIA Tesla C1060. Looking forward to post some examples with the zero copy feature :)